Who was Jesus and what did he do? These questions are right on target for understanding Jesus as a figure of history. But Christians mean more than that when they ask these questions. They go on to ask, Where did he come from? What is he doing? What is he going to do? For Christians, Jesus is the preexistent Son who became incarnate. And as the resurrected and living Christ, he continues to act, and he will yet do great things in the future.
In this book, F.F. Bruce, one of the eminent New Testament scholars of the late twentieth century, explores the New Testament teaching on the work of Christ. The lines of his argument are simple and straightforward, but like a piece of fine, handcrafted furniture, they are true to the grain and soundly constructed, even where the eye cannot see.
Here is a brief but illuminating introduction to a central strand of New Testament teaching: the past, present, and future work of Jesus. It is the perfect starting point for groups and individuals wanting to explore the fundamentals of Christ and His work.