Kenneth Daut had just one question at the age of 13: What will it take to become a millionaire? Unfortunately, no one seemed able to tell him. In fact, some actually laughed at him and said, "If I knew the answer to that I wouldn't be standing here talking to you!" Finally, after another 30+ years, he became one and realized that it wasn't what he expected. Many sports figures had made millions of dollars and yet were flat broke within 5 years after retirement. What he wanted was lasting wealth. His definition of millionaire had changed.
The lessons he learned along the way, taught him that making a million dollars was not the answer but having investments that make a million dollars, that replenish itself over and over making money his employee was the answer.
Looking back, he has found that most people were their own worst enemy when it came to accumulating wealth and points out many of the most common mistakes.
He believes people learn more from stories than from textbooks, so he has approached this subject in non-fiction story form. He uses an abundance of quotations from well known people and philosophers on the subject of success and common sense.
While this book may be written for 13 year old's, anyone wanting to know the answer to his quest will find this book informative as well as entertaining.
This is the ideal book for grandparents to give their young teenage grandchildren.