About the author
Kris Shinn is President and CEO of Willing Ways. Kris worked several years in the business field after graduating from Ouachita University, and more than a decade ago, he began working with students, teachers, and parents. This journey into helping students really began 22 years ago with the birth of his beloved son Will who has Autism. He loves to share the strategies that he began learning while working with his son and now helps others to apply those strategies in situations both in homes or in schools. As Kris found ways that helped Will, he discovered strategies that would help others. Kris is the author of two books, with a third set for release later this year. Two programs that Kris is certified to teach that have been very helpful are Everyday Behavior Tools and Professional Crisis Management. Kris is also available for consulting, professional development, and public speaking. If you would like to contact Kris, his email is kris@willingways.info.