Adam could not have been made in the very image of God, as the Bible tells us he was, if he lacked His Spirit, His very essence. Adam was created with the ability to rule over the entire world (Genesis 1:28). Therefore, Adam and Eve were divine beings. Did they lose their divinity as a result of their disobedience? Did they lose the unique human self-awareness that speaks of a mind at work in us that seems to be watching and reacting from deep within ourselves? Adam and Eve were created angels enclothed in dust, and by their disobedience towards their Creator, they became fallen angels enclothed in dust. All of us are their children, which means we are made of their substance, and are also fallen angels. What is wrong with us? My contention is that because our human spirits/souls came from God, they are determined, and working in darkness from the level of our subconscious minds, to prove themselves equal to Him. There is much evidence of such a force at work within humanity. Therefore, we must be reconciled with God as our father, source, and superior at the deepest level of ourselves. Until then, jealousy and competition for power rule this world, which is red in tooth and claw. Jesus said (John 3:7), “Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’” In other words, there is something wrong with us, and we must change. And since we must, we will. In the end, God, who is love, will win humanity for Himself.