Ruthie J. Curry is a retired Elementary Educator. She has always loved working with children in some capacity whether at school, church , or within her community. She has one daughter, Daphne M. Curry. She is the sole owner of Books by Ruthie, LLC. She has worked in public schools as well as a private school teaching Kindergarten- Seventh-grade students. She fell in love with the early elementary students and started a tutoring service in 2020. She has led Children's Church and the Dramatics Department at her church. Currently, she volunteers for the Villa Rica Public Library with storytelling, and is in collaboration with the Villa Rica Parks and Recreation Drama camps. Walk Walk Walk, Talk Talk Talk is her first publication for children. She is in the works for a second book, JESUS, The Greatest Gift To Everyone, which will be out September 2024. Grab a piece of PIE- Positivity, Inspiration, and Encouragement and look for more books to come!