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Book details
  • SubGenre:Personal Finance / Money Management
  • Language:English
  • Series title:001
  • Series Number:1
  • Pages:272
  • Paperback ISBN:9781098381387

Wait...Your Teen's FICOs Can Get Fixed!!!

A Parent and Teacher's Guide to Optimizing A Teenager's Credit Score

by Amelia Camelia

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At Finance Empower, CRC, a 501 C (3) Non-Profit Credit Education Organization, we work to relieve you of your excessive debt burdens, educating moms and dads on the importance of good teen credit, and empowering parents on the virtues of personal finance eMpower. Herein lies Fido Fico, Phd, a credit wiz dog, knowing all things credit and card. Through his Wait...In Times of Crisis (Book Series), Fido is here to teach youngters about the perils of having a moderate to low finance eMpower score.
Wait…In Times of Crisis (Book Series) Is a comprehensive book series that looks to induced personal financial dialogue amongst this generation's youthful financial economic (finecon) foo and vine culinary arts crowd. We are now living in a time of such finecon upheaval that there has been an immediate call to animated action. Fido Fico, Phd., along with his alter ego, Creditdog, both whom are willing and able to give your teen "Super Finance eMpower" has what it takes to become a major household fixation. At Finance Empower, CRC, a 501 C (3) Non-Profit Credit Counseling Organization, we're now offering pertinent personal finance services directed at young adults searching for fou-opportunity, and vying towards fou's wealth—as perhaps created through Halle Pointdexter, along with BAH, FINECON FüDE's channel of youthful finance resources.
About the author
Amelia Camelia is a big-time fou's dreamer—a bona-fide foo believer and vine picker. A functional BarÜgan at kind-heart, she can rarely ever be seen without her trusted '85 IBM notebook—it's the only one covered with rocboi-reggae Bob Dylan stickers all over it. What does Amelia do in her spare time? When she's not writing some kind of finecon fÜdes love novel about grapes, she's thinking about how to fly around in a mini-hovered space craft. She hates traffic. And when she's not thinking about floating over cars with an AIROIT (SAIBA), she's dreaming about "Interfoogalatic." Amelia loves living in New York City with her husband, two girls, and their crazy-ass-dog Moca Moca. Her novella "Foueverlove" debuted on Amazon on February 23, 2019. It preceded her more recent title "Foudoulove," which is the love story to the coming novel Farmstead, a Fou's Revolution. Follow Amelia on her social media channels. Amelia@harvestor.org for updates or by subscribing to her newsletter.