About the author
A wife and mother of four children, Patrice is a living example of Romans 12:2. She accepted Jesus Christ at the age of nineteen. Patrice has allowed God to heal the hurts from her childhood and has seen him destroy mindsets that could have damaged her entire life. She credits the grace of God for driving her into the presence of the Father. Here she became aware of the character flaws that dominated her life. She now walks in a freedom that she could not have otherwise achieved. She began playing the violin at the age of eight. God has bestowed the gift of music within her to serve as a weapon against principalities and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. Patrice serves as the founder and president of Divine Reconstruction Ministries, a ministry whose focus is prayer, intercession, and wholeness (holos). She is a former pastor, and is currently an evangelist, and conference speaker. For over twenty years, the seminar, Waiting in His Presence, has been pivotal for many ministries. As a violinist (Psalmist), she gives concerts in the states and abroad for the purpose of winning the lost to Christ. As a music educator, Minor-Floyd is the founder and director of a pre-college preparatory music conservatory. Foremost, Floyd enjoys worshiping the Lord in spirit and truth in the midst of the congregation, listening and waiting with expectancy to hear His heart.