How the heck do I survive the daily stress in nursing? Let us overcome most of these stressors starting today.
I am the voice of all the nurses who dread getting up and going to work; the voice of every single one who feels as if their blood pressure is running on high all too often. That voice, the one inside that says “I’m going to quit this job any day now I swear I am.” The voice of those nurses who have conformed to the stress but wish that their environment could change for the better.
I am that voice
The voice that will help you to rid your life of stress and win.
I address nurses eating their young, doctors yelling at you, orientation, organizational skills, charting, nursing and the divorce rate, substance abuse, med errors, how to get along with peers and a whole lot more. I point out the problems for what they are, no sugar coating, and I offer solutions. I also emphasize the importance of finding your niche.
Get inside this book, healthcare workers, nursing students and other curious minds. It is for you.
I created it to make your life a whole lot easier
Get rid of the stress. Come on, get going.
Voice of a Nurse, Moment, Thrills & Spills of Love and Prayers for Others. (Books by Beverley Tabor)