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Book details
  • Genre:FICTION
  • SubGenre:Mystery & Detective / General
  • Language:English
  • Pages:208
  • eBook ISBN:9781543928792
  • Paperback ISBN:9781543928785


by R. J. Bonett

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Veronica is a mystery novel that takes place in Long Beach Island, New Jersey in the 1970's. It is a chilling story about a series of murders of young women. A freelance reporter, Ron Bennett, who stumbles upon the first body, then engages in uncovering the mysteries.

A quiet walk along the water's edge at the beach after a storm- can at times act as a cleansing agent to Ron Bennett, a freelance reporter for the Evening Bulletin, a Philadelphia newspaper. His stories at times are mired in tragedy and corruption that make this 60 mile trip from the city a necessity. The discovery of a human arm protruding from a sand dune on Long Beach Island, New Jersey, will alter his life. Seeking a telephone to summon authorities, he meets Veronica, a woman standing on the walkway looking out at the ocean. His opinion of her extravagant beach front home, encroaching on his quiet place is one of the changes on the island he didn't care for. The chance meeting on several trips to the shore, begins an interest in a relationship he desires, and believes the feelings are mutual. The innuendos about an abusive husband Joel- create a stronger desire to get her to come to her senses and leave him. After seeing marks on her neck as if she was being strangled, his frustration becomes a compulsive effort to convince her every time they meet to leave her husband. He gets caught up in a situation that would make the worst story he covered, pale by comparison.
About the author

Ron Bonett retired several years ago at the age of 54 from Philadelphia to a farm in Bradford County, Pennsylvania. His interest in writing began when a niece and nephew asked him to write about their grandfather. From writing stories of his father, he soon began writing stories that came to mind. Veronica is written with inspiration from fishing trips to Long Beach Island. Veronica is the first mystery novel and there are more to come in the next few years.