About the author
William Hay (Doc) was born a Southern California native and has always live there. Growing up, Catholic in a middle-class large family with four brothers he never was too interested in the faith or church. Starting an education after High School in electronics he was soon to begin a career in the Aerospace industry with Hughes and other companies where he learned about science and the high-tech world. Over many years working as an Electro-Mechanical Tech he lost his job and went through a terrible tailspin into drugs and alcohol then got into trouble with the law. While doing time for crime he sought God's help with a naive and desperate heart to find the meaning of life. One night in his prison cell he came face to face with Jesus in a born-again experience that made a pronounced change in his life for the rest of his life. Promising to master the Bible he self-educated for the next thirty years. Learning from the best in several disciplines he started teaching and writing biblical studies from what he learned, and the insight gained from his spiritual experience. Becoming a notorious teacher, he started writing on the topic of prophecy when Mythology caught his attention which led him into Near-East studies about Pre-biblical and ancient historical writings. He has written a library of short pieces but assembling it all together was a herculean task and so, decided to come out writing a text type book, fully illustrating what his message is. He is really a Left-Brained Ideolog who sees The Big Picture uniting several subjects into One; The Holy Bible, UFOLOGY, Mythology, Ancient History, Archaeology, and Genetics into a future view, the Ascension of humanity into the Kingdom of God or as the Science interprets it, the Oneness of Cosmic Consciousness. With the publishing of this first book "Upon the Plains of Sumer" a merge of Sumerology and the Bible, he is also planning a second book titled, "Into the Valley of Elah" which merges Egyptology and the Bible. Stay tuned for more fascinating reading from Pastor William Hay.