The ‘Unofficial Chaplain’ is a simple, cohesive and refreshing model for living an intentional and missional Christian life in an increasingly secular world. It covers eight biblically based field-tested chaplaincy attitudes and approaches. Each one will assist you to help people and point them towards Jesus at the same time. It is practical and inspirational.
“Warren Crank nails the simplicity of unofficial chaplaincy. I highly recommend you explore Warren’s fresh perspective on informal chaplaincy. He challenges the way we relate to each other.”
Rev. CAMERON BUTLER, National Director Sports Chaplaincy Australia Inc.
“I believe that if more and more people embrace the principles outlined in ‘Unofficial Chaplain’ as a lifestyle – at work, in their community, on university campuses, in the pub or on their sports team – we will see God do great things!”
Dr JENNIFER ALLEN, Associate Professor and Dean of Students, University of Newcastle.
“This is a really helpful little book, written by an official chaplain about what it might look like if we all adopted the posture of an unofficial chaplain in the contexts where God has placed us. Pretty cool idea. Very practical and easy to read.”
MICHAEL FROST, Vice Principal Morling College Sydney, Director of the Tinsley Institute, Author.
“The ‘Unofficial Chaplain’ is practical and inspirational. I recommend it and believe that God will use it to stimulate ministry and mission to people who are outside the church.”
STEPHEN GAUKROGER, Director Clarion Trust International, author and senior church leader former President of the Baptist Union of Great Britain.