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Book details
  • SubGenre:Healing / General
  • Language:English
  • Series title:Twenty Two
  • Series Number:1
  • Pages:286
  • eBook ISBN:9798350930306
  • Paperback ISBN:9798350930290


by Oksana Zdrok

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"Twenty-Two" is a captivating novel that intertwines the destinies of four individuals in a transformative journey. Through 22 unique experiences, readers will embark on a profound voyage of self-discovery, explore diverse landscapes, and confront innermost fears. This narrative expertly blends psychology with fiction, offering an engaging exploration of love, friendship, and personal growth. Join the characters on an odyssey of self-discovery and uncover the secrets within your own soul.
In "Twenty-Two," embark on an extraordinary journey alongside four unique individuals whose destinies become intricately woven together. Author Oksana Zdrok invites you to explore the intricate threads of fate that bind her characters, guiding them through 22 transformative experiences. As these characters venture forth on their remarkable journey, readers will journey into the depths of their souls, traverse diverse landscapes across the world, and uncover profound purposes hidden within. This narrative transcends mere storytelling; it serves as a roadmap for those on a quest to unlock the hidden corners of their hearts and confront their deepest fears. With each character's adventure, readers are offered a mirror into their own personal quests for self-discovery and growth. "Twenty-Two" is the perfect companion for those who yearn to unearth their true selves and discover their life's purpose. It presents intricate concepts in an accessible and captivating manner, weaving tales of love, friendship, and transformation. As you immerse yourself in the pages of this book, you'll resonate with the characters' experiences and, quite possibly, uncover the hidden secrets within your own soul. "Twenty-Two" is an exploration of the heartbeats of transformation, an invitation to illuminate the path to your true self. Are you ready to embark on this extraordinary journey of self-discovery, love, and purpose?
About the author
Oksana Zdrok's early years were shaped by a deep fascination with psychology and storytelling, nurtured amidst the rich cultural tapestry of Ukraine. She explored the world of literature and crafted her first short stories in her native language. At the age of 21, Oksana embarked on a thrilling journey, relocating to the vibrant city of Dubai, where she would call home for a decade. Amidst the bustling metropolis, her passion for writing briefly took a backseat as she immersed herself in the diverse experiences and opportunities of her new life. However, destiny had its own plans. While pursuing her studies in psychology, a profound idea ignited Oksana's passion for writing once more. This spark inspired her to weave her professional insights into a tapestry of fiction. The result? Her debut novel, a captivating narrative that seamlessly merges her expertise in psychology with a fictional tale of personal growth and transformation. Oksana's writing extends an invitation to readers to embark on a transformative journey where the lines between reality and imagination blur. Her vivid storytelling delves into the depths of the human psyche, set against the backdrop of the countless places she has explored in her travels. With her unique blend of psychological expertise and the magic of storytelling, Oksana Zdrok's works promise to take readers on an unforgettable voyage of self-discovery and personal growth. Stay connected with Oksana on her Instagram @ksenia_zdrok_dxb for the latest updates on her literary adventures.