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Book details
  • Genre:SELF-HELP
  • SubGenre:Motivational & Inspirational
  • Language:English
  • Pages:64
  • eBook ISBN:9781098342395
  • Hardcover ISBN:9781098342388

Twelve Invitations

by Larry Hamilton and Leah Michelle Hamilton

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We invite you to imagine and reach for the possibilities of each day. Beautiful photography expresses each season as it rings in new temperatures, traditions, and memories. Similar to these yearly markers, people experience seasonal changes ~ both internally and externally ~ that indicate life transitions, personal growth, and new perspectives. We intentionally co-wrote this book to align with the seasons as a way for you to begin each month anew, with an introspective and open mind. We hope this collection of articles and magnificent photographs serve as an invitation for encouragement, mindfulness, and inspiration as you enter into each new month.
Life can be a blur. For each month we offer a story, a reflection, a thought, all to help engage you into the life that is only yours. Each month is accented by stunning photography of people and beautiful places from around the world. Our hope is that in these reflections you can gain a satisfaction and a purpose no matter the circumstances, and through faith are able to see more and do more than you could ever imagine. We would like to extend to you Twelve Invitations, one for each month of the year, to seek out the opportunities that each month and each season has to offer. The invite is yours! Come ~ Experience ~ Enjoy!
About the author
Larry & Leah are both Marriage & Family Therapists in Orange County, California for over 36 years and have 3 married adult children. Leah has had a passion for music since a young child, was trained as a classical pianist, and has become an accomplished pianist, songwriter, and producer with 5 CDs. Larry grew up in the foothills of the California Sierra Nevada Mountains and loves the outdoors, jumping at any chance to backpack, fish, and photograph nature. Leah's family were pioneering citrus ranchers immigrating from France and Spain, with deep roots in music and faith. Her great aunt was one of the founders of the Pacific Symphony Orchestra. Larry's family immigrated from Scotland and Ireland in the early years of our country's beginnings and created generations of farmers. The "fruits" of these backgrounds created a hard work ethic, honesty, and a faith that cultivated care and realism in their profession and family. Traveling the world has created a love for the diversity, beauty, and value of every person in every part of the world!
*Fixed Layout eBook. Will only include a file for Apple devices.