Based on the learning culture training developed in the San Diego City College MESA (Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement) Program, Turning on the Lights completely captures the learning culture in the five parts listed below, and it is written with the goal of empowering all students – in STEM and non-STEM majors, to operate in the light of the learning culture:
I. Why Learning Culture?
II. Having a Mindset for Learning
III. Knowing How to Approach the Learning
IV. Leadership, Internships & Research
V. Educational Planning Basics: Things to know!
Part I answers the question, "Why learning culture?" Parts II and III discuss the two main parts that define the learning culture: 1) Having a mindset for learning; and 2) Knowing how to approach the learning. Additionally, Part IV focuses on leadership, internships and research because beyond developing scholars, the learning culture develops leaders. Finally, Part V reviews educational planning basics necessary for achieving your academic goals.
Turning on the Lights is your empowerment tool, with many success stories, testimonials and guidance from MESA Director Rafael D. Alvarez, a.k.a. the Corner Man, that bring the learning culture to life. Additionally, the Turning on the Lights website ( provides the home base for the learning culture revolution, featuring student success videos, learning culture resources, and basic training videos for becoming familiar with the learning culture. May Turning on the Lights empower every student to create their own success in the bright light of the learning culture. Enjoy the journey!