TRUIZMS® offer timeless wisdom and ageless won- der about life. They aim to inspire everyone to explore one’s experiences and interpretations of “the truth.” They’re meant to spark new thoughts and ideas, while inspiring insightful conversations.
You’re encouraged to play with these TRUIZMS, connecting their meanings and messages to yourself, your family, your friends, your community, and our world. The more connections you make, the more personally meaningful they become as they enrich your life by cultivating your imagination.
This collection of visual thoughts was chosen from 1,000 TRUIZMS I have created over the past two decades. Both the light-hearted and serious-minded thoughts were published weekly in the Sunday Edition of the Denver Rocky Mountain News from 1997 to 2001. During those years, I had endless fun using these picture-statements to make a point in my keynote presentations at conferences, or to point out something indescribable in Think Like a Genius® workshops for businesses, schools, and cultural organizations worldwide. But no matter how I “purposed” them or
how I expressed what their messages meant to me, everyone applied them differently to make their own points. Businesspeople used them to initiate discussions on how “the life of business mirrors the business of life.” Teachers used them as Conversation Starters in addressing current world events or in discussing difficult issues. And parents used them with their family and friends to share their personal stories about those defining moments that changed their lives.
There’s a story to each TRUIZM that draws from my life experiences. Perhaps, it reads like the story of your life, too. As I've learned, anything can be connected to everything, to create new meanings and purposes for all things. That seems true to both the History of Innovation and human beings alike!