This is a tale of a beautiful blonde Bible-quoting witch from Buffalo, NY who hatches an international scheme to steal a holy relic in Lanciano, Italy purported to contain heart tissue from Jesus of Nazareth. From Italy the relic is smuggled to Port Au Prince, Haiti - the land of voodoo - to extract Jesus' DNA and attempt to clone Jesus for the purpose of sacrificing him as a baby at a black mass.
The theft unleashes an international firestorm and the holy relic the Satanists once scorned is now viewed as a potential goldmine.
A beautiful young Haitian nun is kidnapped in order to find a receptive and worthy surrogate to incubate the cloned child of God. Despite her harsh conditions of captivity, a true bond of love and friendship develops between Sister Monique and Tomas, one of her captors.
Besides various police authorities, Fr. Mike - a priest on retreat to rediscover his vocation - is also in pursuit to reclaim the Miraculous Eucharist at the behest of St. Catherine of Siena.
Just how far will this desecration go? Will the one who was a ransom for sinners be ransomed Himself?