Book details Genre:DRAMA SubGenre:European / English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh Language:English Pages:260 eBook ISBN:9781667870113 Paperback ISBN:9781667870106
Overview These Three Plays by D. L. Forbes, have been likened in feel to the works of Pinter, Orton, and Becket, yet the author has a decided flavor and voice of his own. Delightfully interwoven raw and often humorous, drama at its best.
Description These Three Plays by D. L. Forbes, have been likened in feel to the works of Pinter, Orton, and Becket, yet the author has a decided flavor and voice of his own. Delightfully interwoven raw and often humorous, drama at its best.
Other titles by this author/publisher My Policeman Friend by D. L. Forbes Cat Got My Brain by D. L. Forbes Wittgenstein's Son and U. G. Krishnamurti by D. L. Forbes Charmed, I'm Sure by D.L. Forbes Rough Fluff by D. L. Forbes Gentile and Jew Boys by D. L. Forbes Yid un Goy Yingl by D. L. Forbes Umlungu by D. L. Forbes Life Threatening Poetry Across America by D. L. Forbes Children of Sycorax by D. L. Forbes Saxonford by D. L. Forbes Saxonford by D. L. Forbes