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Book details
  • SubGenre:Business Communication / General
  • Language:English
  • Pages:88
  • Paperback ISBN:9781543982176

Think & Grow Black

Keep Your $Profits In The Black

by Nathaniel McKenzie

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Small business that need to learn how to grow their business without the help of a business consultation, this book is written for you.
Think & Grow Black was born from the idea as an accountant, I have seen far to many business in the red, the book was written to help you get your business profits in the black. Small and starting business need to learn about basic accounting language, how to market on a dime budget, how to stream line the process of the business. The most important feature a small business owner will learn is how to not work in your business, but how to work on your business.
About the author
Nathaniel McKenzie, MBA, CPA, CFE, CVA, CAM, CMA, CMF Nathaniel McKenzie Managing Partner of McKenzie Forensic Group has been a leading provider of forensic accounting services for 18 years. He has served as an expert witness as a forensic accountant in divorce, contract, and other litigation matters. He has also assisted businesses involved in shareholder or domestic disputes. Nathaniel is also a former fraud investigator with Medicaid Fraud Control Unit as well as a former Adjunct Professor at FMA University. Think and Grow Black is a subsidiary of McKenzie Forensic Group that handles management consulting to small business. Phone: 800-466-0176 www.mckenzieforensic.com www.thinkandgrowblack.com nathaniel@mckenzieforensic.com