Through the practice of Yoga we seek to learn balance, oneness, and self-acceptance; to quiet the mind so the soul can be expressed. We seek to understand and integrate the Shadow Self. These are all lessons that dogs just innately know. They live in the moment, in a state of one complete being. I believe this is why our dogs are so drawn to us when we practice Yoga. It's a rare moment when our vibration matches theirs.
Our dogs are also the ones who accept us, including our shadow side, fully and without reservation.
The Yoga Dog project is a collection of images which seek to reflect the vibrational bond that we share during our practice.
I chose to shoot them in silhouette because I wanted to strip away all the surface. Remove thoughts about breed or color, or designer leggings. And simply capture the form that remained.
For this project I worked with real people and their real dogs. The yogi's & yogini's included in this project spanned 4 decades in age and all skill levels- some teach, some are self-taught, some practice daily, and some don't practice nearly as often as they'd like . Real people are imperfect. So you'll see some less-than-perfect form. But I am not presenting this as a training manual to the perfect pose.
The Yoga Dog Project is about beauty, art, and connection