The first book to illuminate shamanism with findings from contemporary psychology, anthropology, medicine, consciousness studies, and religious studies. The book scope encompasses dozens of cultures and thousands of years, and explores topics as diverse as healing, states of consciousness, death-rebirth, wounded healers, spiritual emergencies, the hero's journey, psychedelics, and much more.
The book honors unique cultures and traditions, yet reveals many common patterns, practices, experiences, and realizations. It explores controversial topics—such as shamans' psychological health, their effectiveness, their trickster behavior, and the nature of their realizations—with a rare combination of scientific rigor and compassionate sensitivity. It offers groundbreaking ideas on multiple topics, such as the psychological health and healing of shamans, varieties of shamanic states of consciousness, comparisons with the states of other traditions, spiritual emergencies, and much more.
With its exceptional scope, scholarship, and precision, "The World of Shamanism" reads remarkably clear.