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Book details
  • SubGenre:Spiritualism
  • Language:English
  • Pages:100
  • Paperback ISBN:9781631927492

The Teachings of Sahibul Sayf Shaykh Abdulkerim

by Shaykh Abdulkerim Al-Kibrisi

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This book is a compilation of sohbets, the spiritual talks from enlighted master Sahibul Sayf Shaykh Abdulkerim Al-Kibrisi Al-Rabbani, the Khalifa of 'Shaykh Nazım Al-Hakkani'. His words are from heart knowledge and addresses the souls of seekers around the world for guidance. ''There are actors and actresses who are acting. In reality, this world is a theater and we have all been given something to act for. If we understand what has been given to us and we act according to it, then we are the winner. We will find safety.''
This book is a compilation of sohbets, the spiritual talks from enlighted master Sahibul Sayf Shaykh Abdulkerim Al-Kibrisi Al-Rabbani, the Khalifa of 'Shaykh Nazım Al-Hakkani'. His words are from heart knowledge and addresses the souls of seekers around the world for guidance. ''There are actors and actresses who are acting. In reality, this world is a theater and we have all been given something to act for. If we understand what has been given to us and we act according to it, then we are the winner. We will find safety.''
About the author
The Teachings of Sahibul Sayf Shaykh Abdulkerim