"The Sticks" continues as book two of The New Moon Trilogy. In this saga, a pilot named Captain Baker is driven by his desire to solve a riddle. Living in the enclosed arcology of New Moon City, Baker is one of the few people able to travel outside during his missions to the remaining city-states. Outside, in The Sticks, there was only desolation: the result of the Great Calamity caused by the explosion of the Yellowstone caldera.
As a child, Baker was taught to keep his word and developed a strong moral compass passed down through his family. His brother, Art, has died unexpectedly, and has left a manuscript behind. His final words were; "Look for me." When Baker hears about an experiment to test near-death experiences, he realizes he has a unique opportunity to fulfill his brother's request.
The financiers of the experiment hope to use Baker's out-of-body experiences to spy on their competition. Some are dependent on the experiment for their own advancement, and are determined to terminate it, if its success appears doubtful. A few even toy with the idea of leaving Baker for dead.
Captain Baker finds an adventure he was not prepared for in The Sticks, and his quest is answered in the most unexpected way.