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Book details
  • SubGenre:Genocide & War Crimes
  • Language:English
  • Pages:174
  • Paperback ISBN:9798350937459

The Politics of Fear

The Weakness of The West Enables Putin's Terror

by James-Patrick Geocaris

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In this study we will contrast on one hand, the Politics of Force, which often avoids war or a greater conflict. On the other hand, we will study appeasement, political weakness and the current American/European lack of resolve to confront Russian terrorism in Ukraine.
Has the USA and NATO REALLY considered what would happen if Putin was allowed to prevail in Ukraine? How long will this lingering weakness last? In fact, if Putin managed to seize the whole of Ukraine, the scale of the humanitarian catastrophe would be nothing like the modern era has ever witnessed. There would be far more refugees than now, while ongoing acts of resistance inside Ukraine would lead to a bloodbath of increasingly savage reprisals designed to terrorize the population into submission. Global audiences would witness the previously unthinkable spectacle of a modern genocide unfolding methodically in the heart of Europe and livestreamed on social media…..while The West does nothing?? Indeed, the negative implications of a Russian victory in Ukraine would NOT be confined to the destroyed or captive Ukrainian population. On the contrary, the repercussions would reverberate globally, threatening American national security immediately as well as dangerously altering and destabilizing the geopolitical climate for years to come. Success to a dictator is like enabling a drug addict: note Hitler in this respect in the 1930's. Similarly, if the West fails Ukraine, this will embolden Putin to continue -with Moldova and Kazakhstan among the most obvious next targets. Sooner or later, the Russian dictator would test NATO's commitment to collective security by attacking the Baltic States. Would the likes of France, Italy, Spain Germany -and even the USA -really risk World War III to defend the Baltic countries? Thus, if Russia is not stopped in Ukraine, that is a question all NATO members will probably have to answer in the not-too-distant future. At this stage, it seems reasonable to assume that NATO will not fight over the Baltics; likewise, even though Putin is in desperate straits in Ukraine, the continued fear and political malfeasance of The West enables his terror card to be played day after day -with ultimate hopes that he will spook the USA and NATO into ceasing ongoing support for Ukraine. In the second sense, nor would Russia be the only threat on the horizon. The fall of Ukraine would undermine the core principles of the global security order and inspire other authoritarian regimes around the world to engage in their own foreign policy adventures. In the wake of a successful Russian invasion of Ukraine, a Chinese assault on Taiwan would become far more likely, with potentially devastating consequences, while other autocrats would make sinister plans in their "own neighborhoods". Moreover, a Ukrainian defeat could also ignite an unprecedented international scramble for nuclear weapons. Furthermore, the aftershocks of Russia subduing Ukraine, under NATO's nose, would irrevocably damage the enduring nature of democracy itself. Putin's potential "triumph of-with terror" will seriously discredit and undermine faith in democracy; conversely, many nations throughout the world would view authoritarian regimes as a better government system -that could provide ultimate safety.
About the author
James-Patrick Geocaris is an attorney in the private practice of law residing in the Pacific Northwest State of Oregon, USA. Following Law School he was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the U.S. Army Reserve and served as a State Prosecutor. After a time in private practice, James was hired by the U.S. Attorney's Office and assigned to the U.S. Virgin Islands district where he remained for 7 years. James served in the USVI National Guard. In 2003, he returned to the mainland and private practice until 2012. In that year he moved to Oregon, where he took a break from being a lawyer to complete his master's degree in biology. James now permanently resides in Eugene Oregon and has a vibrant law practice there. In addition, James regularly commutes to Illinois where he engages in a separate law practice. In Oregon, James in a Lt. Colonel in the Oregon National Guard, extremely involved with rural events, philanthropy, volunteering, youth mentoring and writing. James has a long history of traveling to Ukraine. His many visits there in the year of 2021, the year before the invasion, are insightful and precinct in terms of the alarms he raised in his writings concerning the potentiality of the Russian invasion. He has been to every section of Ukraine and his charitable donations have helped over 50 families safely leave Ukraine and settle in Europe. James plans on donating time, talents and resources in helping Ukraine rebuild after their victory over Russia.