In the first edition of the "Perillous Journey of Whomus in the Garden of Uter, The Dawn of Life", the author presented the story about life before birth through the experience of a fetus-subject, Whomus, whose life in the Garden of Uter is a parody of the life of a fetus in the uterine cavity. This second edition of the story of Whomus brings two elements to enhance and clarify the journey:
- Illustration of the general area where the story unfolds, the precursors of Whomus, Spex and Oy, in their place of origin, their journey toward the garden, Whomus's itinerary, his/her settlement in the bubble of Uter until the final day of departure to the outer world. 3-D pictures of real fetuses at different points of the journey are added for context.
- The most frequently asked questions by readers of the first edition are answered by the author.
These two additions make the story of Whomus more compelling and are expected to increase the reader's engagement in its practical implications.