The Ocean Witch is a story of sisterhood, sibling bonding, teamwork and the mysterious ocean. Follow the story as the Ocean Witch tries to capture the two adorable sisters and cheer for them as they work together to escape to their happiness, and enjoy the silly, entertaining and joyful illustrations made by the not-surprising basis for the children in the story, Angel's daughters. The Ocean Witch derived from bedtime stories at the beach while putting the girls to bed. As time went on, the story continued to develop, and develop the key parts that always drew the children's participation in the story. Years later, the girls now older, they asked their mother to put the story on paper so they could one day pass it to their own children. This book is the result of her family's collaborative effort. It was written by Angel, and illustrated by her two daughters. And she hopes your children will enjoy it as much as her children and their friends through the years have.