Diane Zumer has had an amazing life. She studied for years at the Berkeley Psychic Institute/ Church of Divine Man to hone her natural intuitive abilities. Lewis Bostwick founded the Berkeley Psychic Institute, and was a great mentor to Diane. In a moment that stuck with her forever, Lewis once said that the reason we do not progress as human beings is that we do not share what we have learned in our lifetimes. Diane has had a 30+ year career as an intuitive life coach. This book distills the vast knowledge Diane has gained in her career, and her intention is to help the reader heal and understand themselves and others better. Every human being is born into an amazing body, but most lack a true understanding of the power each person has to create the life they want. This book is intended to unlock the secret to creating the best life possible. Having understanding and information is a tremendous gift.
This book is created in a workbook form to allow the reader to identify how their life experiences fit with the various chapters. Happy reading!