Most scholars think the name of Orpheus means darkness, the state of being orphaned, exiled or separated from light.
In Greek mythology, Orpheus was a legendary musician, poet, and prophet who possessed an ability to charm all living things
with his music. His attempt to retrieve his wife, Eurydice, from the Underworld, has been taken as a metaphor for many things.
The most fundamental message is the journey of the creative seed in the earth from light into dark, and up to light again.
It suggests the soul must descend to the lower levels through realms of punishment and ascend again by leaving earthly
passions behind.
Based on the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice, “THE MYSTERY OF TWO” (A Coffee Table Graphic Novel) is a one of a kind multifaceted publication; a creative anthology entwined in a literary sheath Variably rich in vocabulary, imagery, poetry, history and irony, it merges the passions of painting and photography with philosophy, transcendental expression, and poetry to reveal the essence of existence and humanity as an inner and outer dalliance which builds structures and destroys them unceasingly.