From delicious appetizers to scrumptious desserts, this creative cookbook was written by a mushroom farmer dedicated to helping people experience an ingredient that is becoming increasingly available. This book can be an introduction for those who are experiencing gourmet mushrooms for the first time, or a resource to explore new flavors and cooking approaches for those who already love mushrooms. It is also the story of a tiny farm started during the COVID shutdown, and the partnership of a husband and wife working to nurture its success.
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Sweet, Heat, and Umami will all be front and center in the fantastic recipies found in this this creative cookbook. Written by a mushroom farmer dedicated to helping people experience an inspirational ingredient that is becoming increasingly available but, not more readily understood. This book can be an introduction for those who are experiencing gourmet mushrooms for the first time, or it can be a resource to explore new flavors and cooking approaches for those who already love them. It contains many beautiful mushroom and food pictures along with 37 original recipes inspired by the author's diverse food and life experiences. It also tells the story of a tiny farm started during the COVID shutdown of 2020 and the partnership of a husband and wife working to nurture it to success. The author wants everyone to be able to enjoy these unique and inspirational ingredients, so recipes are written be accessible to kitchen novices and experienced cooks alike. So break out your favorite kitchen utensils, limber up your imagination, and prepare for your next great food adventure!
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About the author
KC is the sole proprietor of Four Wall Farm, a micro gourmet mushroom farm in New York's Hudson Valley. When she is not farming, she is in her kitchen, creating new ways to enjoy her beloved mushrooms and turning those dishes into incredible recipes to share with the many patrons of her farmer's market stand. Previously an occupational therapist, roustabout, professor, lifeguard, globetrotter, and hitchhiker, she turns her various experiences and vibrant food memory into unexpected flavors and mush love.
KC is blessed with two brilliant children, two furry companions, and a beloved spouse that all support her in her cooking and business ventures. Her oldest daughter has been a guiding light and inspiration for the use of sustainability principles which are an important aspect of Four Wall Farm business practices. This first of hopefully many cookbooks represents a lifelong passion for all things literary and culinary.
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