Thank you for thinking about purchasing this book, I understand that you will exchange some of your hard earned money for this book and so I promise that the pages will hold some important information for finding and holding on to that job. With the catch cry at the moment being 'global crisis', it can be hard to stay positive. But it is very important to believe in yourself.
Know that you can do anything you set your mind to and as long as you continue to have an open mind and continue to learn, then nothing will hold you back. Life throws us many obstacles and to overcome them is the greatest experience and gives us much satisfaction.
I decided to write this book to help as many people as I can to become happy in their work and secure in their job prospects. I have met many tradesmen who are complacent about their position, believing they have nothing to offer the world. To them I say that every job they complete leaves a mark on the earth. I feel proud to point out buildings as I walk through the city and say 'I worked on that'.