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Book details
  • Genre:RELIGION
  • SubGenre:Christian Living / Spiritual Growth
  • Language:English
  • Series title:The Jesus Workouts
  • Series Number:1
  • Pages:128
  • eBook ISBN:9780990827108

The Jesus Workout

A 30-Day 'Exercise' Program Using the Spiritual Disciplines

by Scott Douglas Martell

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A workout should push and stretch you. It is terrific if the workout is also fun to do. And of course there must be attainable objectives. Certainly these goals apply to The Jesus Workout, which is intended to help you stretch and grow spiritually, to better know God, and to get muscular in obeying and serving Him. The Jesus Workout is a 30-day program that introduces some of the Spiritual Disciplines that have strengthened Christians since the time of Christ. The book also provides various self-defense techniques for protecting yourself from evil and the "world," which wants Christians defeated, as well as spiritually fat, lazy and self-satisfied. If you take away just one action step from this book, and apply it to your life, it will change your spiritual life. Know that we are praying for your growth, and for your protection.
A workout should push and stretch you. It is terrific if the workout is also fun to do. And of course there must be attainable objectives. Certainly these goals apply to The Jesus Workout, which is intended to help you stretch and grow spiritually, to better know God, and to get muscular in obeying and serving Him. The Coach Jesus Workout is a 30-day program that introduces some of the Spiritual Disciplines that have strengthened Christians since the time of Christ. In just 30 minutes each day, you will use disciplines such as worship, Bible readings, journaling, guided prayer and meditation and more - all to grow the habit of regular spiritual growth. The book also provides various self-defense techniques for protecting yourself from evil and the "world," which wants Christians defeated, as well as spiritually fat, lazy and self-satisfied. You will learn how to put on the Armor of God daily, and learn some techniques to renewing your mind to be more like Christ. Finally, you'll do some exercises that will convince you that you can stay strong, and live joyfully, through living the disciplines. If you take away just one action step from this book, and apply it to your life, it will change your spiritual life. Know that we are praying for your growth, and for your protection.
About the author
Scott Douglas Martell serves in Ethiopia with New Mission Systems International (www.nmsi.org). Scott and his wife, Gigi, are passionate about helping the most vulnerable families in Ethiopia, including orphans, widows, and the elderly. They believe in empowering and transforming communities by sharing the gospel. Please see www.EthiopiaHopeMinistries.com for more information. A Stephen Minister with an M.A. in Pastoral Counseling from Liberty University, Scott has a heart for strengthening the Body of Christ. He writes a Spiritual Workout blog @ EthiopiaHopeMinistries.com. The sale of this book helps us serve Jesus however he leads.