Gone are the slow changes of the past. It is time for humanity to take an evolutionary leap. The basic life 'software' we have run
encourages a linear view, that everything has a beginning and end, that we are nothing more than our bodies and minds. But the
evolutionary 'upgrade' at the heart of this dynamic novel will awaken us to the exciting broader cycle we are a part of.
Enlightened human action will help us escape monovision, embrace multi vision and even grasp humanity's immortal identity.
To initiate this process, the four Fundamental Forces of Nature materialize on Earth and select a group of five men and women to test the upgrade. These five, a fusion scientist, programming wizard, film director, lawyer, and medical aid worker, hail from
India, Egypt, California, Switzerland and central Africa. They meet one evening at a gathering in California. Drawn by the pull of an uncanny affinity and a tragic event they witness that night, the protagonists will carry their bond through the years, as each
undergoes an adventure, crisis, or journey that leaves them transformed... upgraded.
When the five reunite a decade later, they create a declaration to serve as the basis for sharing globally the insights they have
discovered. This gripping novel part science fiction, part psychological realism is both a suspenseful page-turner and an innovative philosophical jaunt. Yurit's lively, compelling characters capture the reader, as they present a fresh outlook for
the millennium.