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Book details
  • Genre:RELIGION
  • SubGenre:General
  • Language:English
  • Pages:180
  • eBook ISBN:9781483579399
  • Paperback ISBN:9781483579382

The "It" Factor - Keeping It Real

by Bobette Stubblefield

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The “It” Factor – Keeping It Real is a living comprehensive study of TRUTH concerning the original design for healthy relationship. The reader takes a seat at a vacant peephole in the fence around their life and gets a glimpse of “it” – the BIGGER picture. In the beginning, they see God’s personal involvement in the creation and everyday lives of Adam and Eve. They then journey into the adventure of life, as the first couple knew it. Then, from the seat of eons later, the reader cries out to the couple to resist the hissing creature’s enticement to turn from TRUTH. Sadly, they ignore our pleas, and angry Adam and enabling Eve end up living out a dysfunctional relationship in a cursed land. We, their seed, slaves to dysfunction, were born into a land at war with us. Life happens - relationships are broken, finances fail, and storms (physical and spiritual) come - and we struggle with loving our self, loving others, and (sometimes) loving God. This book offers a rare glimpse into the often unspoken areas of life, the raw realities where one has the choice (much like the first couple) of becoming bitter or better. Truth always has at least three perspectives. When we can align ourselves with “it” (God’s perspective on truth) it enables us to live as He originally intended – wide, open, and free! Find your seat at the peephole in the fence and watch as Bobette Stubblefield masterfully takes the difficult topics of life’s grievances, heartaches, anger, and hurt and encourages us to roll up our sleeves and get real.
The “It” Factor – Keeping It Real is a living comprehensive study of TRUTH concerning the original design for healthy relationship. The reader takes a seat at a vacant peephole in the fence around their life and gets a glimpse of “it” – the BIGGER picture. In the beginning, they see God’s personal involvement in the creation and everyday lives of Adam and Eve. They then journey into the adventure of life, as the first couple knew it. Then, from the seat of eons later, the reader cries out to the couple to resist the hissing creature’s enticement to turn from TRUTH. Sadly, they ignore our pleas, and angry Adam and enabling Eve end up living out a dysfunctional relationship in a cursed land. We, their seed, slaves to dysfunction, were born into a land at war with us. Life happens - relationships are broken, finances fail, and storms (physical and spiritual) come - and we struggle with loving our self, loving others, and (sometimes) loving God. This book offers a rare glimpse into the often unspoken areas of life, the raw realities where one has the choice (much like the first couple) of becoming bitter or better. Truth always has at least three perspectives. When we can align ourselves with “it” (God’s perspective on truth) it enables us to live as He originally intended – wide, open, and free! Find your seat at the peephole in the fence and watch as Bobette Stubblefield masterfully takes the difficult topics of life’s grievances, heartaches, anger, and hurt and encourages us to roll up our sleeves and get real.
About the author
Bobette Stubblefield is a bi-vocational associate pastor at G3 Alaska Ministries. She holds a master’s degree in education and is a business and lead accounting instructor at Alaska Career College and adjunct instructor at the University of Alaska. She grew up in Alaska enjoying dog-sledding, skiing, camping, and hiking. In the days when white go-go boots were popular, she served as Miss Alaska National Teenager. She is a lover of TRUTH who teaches others how to be real with themselves, real with others, and real with God.