About the author
In 1977, I was privileged to have received an invitation to join the independent insurance management consulting firm founded by Saul Benton Ackerman, Professor Emeritus of Insurance at New York University, whose first major book, "Insurance," was used as a standard text in universities throughout the country.
It is important to note that the firm was exclusively a consulting firm and was never engaged in the selling of insurance.
In the ensuing years, I benefited immensely from the personal tutoring of Professor Ackerman as well as that of my mentor and friend, Bernard A. Salwen, the firm's long time President, a distinguished lecturer and writer on insurance law as well as a founder of the Society of Risk Management Consultants.
Since their passing, I have instinctively adhered to the strict professional and ethical standards that were embraced and exemplified by these fine gentlemen throughout our extended relationship.
As my career progressed, I continued to build upon my experience and knowledge while providing technical and educational assistance to a broad spectrum of public and private sector clients on a wide variety of insurance-related issues. In so doing, my singular consumer-advocate focus has remained the cornerstone of my professional activity.
In recent years, I have developed a very keen interest in serving as a resource for insurance-related litigation matters pertaining to the New Jersey statute (N.J.S.A. 2A:53A-26 et seq.) wherein issues involving insurance producers are now subject to the affidavit of merit process.
In addition, I have authored articles that have been published by Rutgers University, Lomar Education Services, the New Jersey School Boards Association, Governmental Purchasing Magazine and the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs.
I am an alumnus of Butler University in Indianapolis, Indiana and I attended graduate school at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C.