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Book details
  • Genre:FICTION
  • SubGenre:Thrillers / Political
  • Language:English
  • Pages:256
  • eBook ISBN:9798350915723
  • Paperback ISBN:9798350915716

The Helios Deception

by Charles R. Marlow

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Delve into an exhilarating geopolitical thriller set in a world on the brink of a catastrophic solar flare strike. This fast-paced, high-stakes narrative offers an exciting and entertaining escape for readers with an appetite for science and politics.
In 1859, the Earth was struck by a massive solar flare which ignited telegraph stations and disrupted the nascent communications system - an event now known as the Carrington Event. In 2012, a solar flare narrowly missed Earth by just nine days. Now, the world stands on the precipice of another imminent threat—a direct strike capable of crippling all communications and computer systems, plunging the global economy into chaos. In America, a powerful faction of 'space weather deniers' dismisses the threat of a solar flare strike as a 'Big Hoax by Big Tech,' obstructing any action by the Federal Government. Meanwhile, China stands ready and prepared, having protected itself against the impending disaster. America's lack of preparation could lead to economic ruin and political humiliation, paving the way for China to emerge as the new global superpower. To counter this looming catastrophe, US and UK intelligence agencies join forces with the US President, devising a covert plan to protect America and its allies. Failure is not an option. Author Charles R. Marlow, drawing on his extensive experience at the highest levels of government service, crafts a gripping geopolitical thriller that will both inform and captivate readers. While a work of fiction, 'The Helios Deception' underscores the genuine threat posed by a massive solar flare strike, one that could devastate the world economy. Set in the near future, the novel explores pressing contemporary issues: political polarization, science denial, truth and deceit in public life, foreign election influence, and global power rivalry. Notably, this thriller features two formidable female protagonists, each excelling in their respective fields and harboring opposing political beliefs. Despite their differences, they must collaborate on a plan to safeguard the US and its allies from impending disaster. The evolution of their relationship lies at the heart of the narrative. 'The Helios Deception' is a heart-pounding page-turner that will stimulate your intellect while keeping you on the edge of your seat.
About the author
Charles R. Marlow is a former Government official with a distinguished career spanning economics, international finance, and national security. Currently residing in Washington D.C., Marlow brings his extensive expertise to the world of fiction in this gripping geopolitical thriller.