Your portable professional primer for dealing with rude people, emails, networking, and other essentials in your career and business. Develop a powerful, and lasting, first impression along with personal style branding online and in-person. Communicate more successfully, both verbally & non-verbally, and captivate your audience, no matter what size. Learn to look at yourself and observe others in a different way. Become a master networker and a more successful communicator by simply being your authentic self. The world of business is changing at warp speed and the way we are communicating needs to change just as quickly. This eBook addresses a roster of prime essentials from perceptions to mastering self-awareness to the art of conversation all in a compact, portable reference guide. Designed to open your mind to the world around you and why it acts the way it does so you can be more successful with yourself, your business, other people, and recognize opportunity even before it arrives. Conquer your fear of networking, attract more clients, and change your life by simply thinking about what you do, and how you're doing it, in a different way. It's a whole new world out there. Are you ready for it?