Dear fellow seekers of health and wellness,
I am thrilled and delighted to bring you this book. It is the fruit of my fascination with the healing properties of wholesome natural foods. My trusty Vitamix Blender and I have come up with the most creative and unique combinations of ingredients, in order to share with you the transformative power of super foods.
Super foods are foods with such a high nutrient content that they are considered to have medicinal properties and innumerable health benefits. In our world today, we are burdened by tremendous levels of mental, emotional and physical stress. We are also exposed to loads of environmental toxins on a daily basis. We need something to help fortify us and keep us strong. We need our bodies to be functioning at the highest level, so we can keep up with life’s demands and ward off disease. High density nutrition is a major key to achieving this, and you can find this nutritional support in super foods.
Green smoothies are probably the biggest craze on the health & wellness scene right now. What is it that is so appealing about these elixirs? For many busy health conscious individuals, smoothies have become the ultimate breakfast food, because they are fast and easy to make, and so packed with nutrition that they will keep you going full steam until lunch time. What is their healing potential? Their healing potential is as limitless as what you can put into them. Green smoothies can be as simple as a fistful of leafy greens, a piece of fruit, and a cup of water. I like to take it up several notches to the realm of super foods, because I want to get as many nutrients in there as possible to ensure that I receive the maximum benefit.
In this book you will find fun and easy smoothie recipes packed with super foods that you can make every day. You will also find highly medicinal smoothie recipes that are designed to help heal specific ailments. My mission as the “Culinary Alchemist” is to gather all the information I can regarding the healing properties of plants and herbs and then provide you with delicious recipes to help you heal yourself while enjoying your food immensely. I hope to introduce you to new and exciting foods that will satisfy you on many levels. The original alchemists tried to transmute base metals into gold, in hopes of creating an elixir that would cure all diseases and give us eternal youth. To me culinary alchemy embraces that same quest to cure disease and preserve health. I’m so excited to share this journey with you all! Let’s make some smoothies!