In "The Conversation with Einstein", Jeremiah Laing is a time-travelling historian from the 42nd century, who becomes marooned in the year 1931 after saving a man named Sidney Chalmers from an accident. After an intriguing conversation at one of Einstein's lectures, the trio discover that Chalmers holds an invention capable of compressing interstellar distances into a single step - the Portal.
Their journey through the Portal lands them in a tropical paradise with residents blessed with advanced nanotechnology. There, they discover a looming disaster threatening all existence - a gigantic, unstable black hole known as the Hatchery. As the team travels to Earth's late Paleocene age, they realize the Hatchery's reach extends even there, and they are running out of time.
The team employs nanotechnology to create the Projector, an advanced version of Chalmers' Portal. In their escape, they find themselves in an alternate realm with malfunctioning nanotech causing accelerated aging. Only Jeremiah and his android daughter, Tamara, remain unaffected.
As Einstein and Chalmers work to regain access to the realm that fuels their life-sustaining nanotech, Jeremiah and Tamara are left with their final equations. Will these cryptic solutions allow them to design a multistage Portal back to real space and evade their impending doom?
"The Conversation with Einstein" is a thrilling journey across time and space, testing the boundaries of human ingenuity, persistence, and the will to survive against all odds.