Tulio, who was committed to the sanitarium as a little boy, is now an old man and a trained diablero. He sits in his cell listening to the falling rain, and within that downpour he hears nature's voices guiding him to escape. As he accepts and follows the commands, he is taken on a physical and psychological journey with his best friend Lluvia. Soon, they both elude the sinister Padre Pasillo who wants to desperately catch and return him to the sanitarium. Through this quest, Tulio encounters La Loba, La Llorona, The Bad Boy, The Butterfly Woman, and many other folktale characters who affect his mind and travels. Within those illuminating epiphanies, he learns stories of his past that help him evolve into who he truly is as his life, Lluvia's life, his mother's life, and the Brujas' lives all conjunct and merge into one. In the end, his odyssey offers him the strength to take that one step forward into the unknown desert of self-discovery.