Have you become one of 'those' parents who just can't seem to keep your cool?
You know - that parent you swore you'd never be.
Completely over backchat, sibling rivalry, kids not listening and an endless list of frustrating childhood moments, thousands of parents shamefully resort to the habit of yelling at their children to get results.
Soon after, comes parental guilt, the fear of ‘messing up your child’s life’ and the feeling of being a lousy parent.
However all of that need not happen anymore. Jackie Hall, Author of The Happy Mum Handbook and parenting life coach who specialises in teaching parents how to raise children stress-free, brings to you:
The 28day Tame your Temper parenting challenge.
Based on the premise that it takes 21 days to break a habit and an extra seven days to reinforce the new habit (to tame your temper) this book will progressively teach you to understand the thinking behind your anger and frustrations, and learn how to adopt a different mindset when approaching the challenges of being a parent.