About the author
Marjan Glavac is a best selling author, speaker and elementary
classroom teacher with over 29 years of teaching experience. He
has taught inner city students, students with emotional/behavioral
disorders, ESL, and IEP students. Marjan is a dynamic international
speaker and workshop presenter having spoken to thousands of
teachers. His customized keynotes have included the following
topics: Chalk Board Lessons From The Digital Age; Going Beyond
The Rainbow (Or How To Be A Great Teacher); Burn Bright or Burn
Out - Motivating Teachers for Life and his newest keynote based on
his book: Teaching Is...Moments That Inspire And Motivate Teachers
To Make A Difference.
Marjan is the author of 4 books: The Busy Educator's Guide To The
World Wide Web 1st and 2nd Editions, How To Make A Difference:
Inspiring Students To Do Their Best, Teaching Is...Moments That Inspire
And Motivate Teachers To Make A Difference and co-creator of
How to Thrive and Survive in Your Classroom teleseminar.
Marjan is also the creator of one of the Internet's longest running
free teacher monthly newsletters: The Busy Educator's Newsletter
(1998). He is also the recipient of the following teacher awards:
• The Prime Minister's Award for Excellence in Teaching
Mathematics, Science and Technology.
• The Roberta Bondar (first Canadian female astronaut) Award
for Science and Technology.
• The National Institute Award for Excellence in Teaching.
• The Roy C. Hill Award for Educational Innovation.
• A Certificate of Merit from TVO (Canadian equivalent to PBS)
Throughout his career, Marjan has used humor, story-telling
and unique teaching methods to motivate his students. He's
tested egg drop projects by dropping them from the school
rooftop, incorporated chess concepts to teach students about
consequences, utilized shoes to teach accountability, integrated
role play and cooking to make the curriculum come to life. He has
also taught about globalization with dozens of telecommunications
projects involving students from K-University on every continent of
the world. His students have been involved in projects sponsored
by Global SchoolNet Foundation, Kidlink, Academy One, CCCnet,
AT&T Japan, Lycos and in the creation of the NewsOntario online
newspaper project. His K-8 students have also participated in
e-mail, travel buddy, research projects and polishing mirrors for the
NASA Starshine project. He and his classes have been filmed by TVO
and Global's Kids-TV; featured in all local media - newspapers, TV,
radio, as well as nationally in Reader's Digest, Toronto Star, Globe
& Mail, Today's Parent, Home and Educational Computing and
internationally on WGN and NPR radio, websites and dozens of
student newspapers worldwide.
Marjan is a firm believer that: "there are no boundaries for the
journeys of the mind" and that every student, parent and teacher
is capable of achieving great journeys. Teaching Is...Moments
That Inspire And Motivate Teachers To Make A Difference is a
journey that he looks forward to sharing with fellow teachers and