About the author
Arthur J. Taylor was born during the Great Depression, along with his twin sister, June, who now lives in Arizona. He had six sisters, and he was the only living boy. There were five sets of twins in the family. Art's mother had two sets of twins, and three of his sisters had sets. He graduated from college with a degree in theology. At the age of 23, Art built his first church in the Columbia, South Carolina area, and he pastored there for one year. He then traveled throughout the country as a youth evangelist for one year. A call then came from Springfield, Missouri, to pastor a church, where he met the love of his life, Fern, who was a professional secretary. They have been married 62 years. In all, Art pastored for 30
years--in South Carolina, Missouri, Virginia, and Michigan. Art's interest in the Tabernacle started in Virginia. That was about 60 years ago. He has 60 books on the Tabernacle, and some of them were printed over 100 years ago. After pastoring in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Art worked for an architectural firm, and he has built, from ground up, somewhere around 25 churches, but his pride and joy is the study of the Tabernacle.