Overview This book tells about the days of the great depression of the '30s. It also tells about what is happening now that is likened to the great depression. The last part tells what you can do to be ready when it comes.
Description This book tells about the days of the great depression of the '30s. It also tells about what is happening now that is likened to the great depression. The last part tells what you can do to be ready when it comes.
About the author I have written 48 books and short stories. I started writing in 1959. My first book, Success Through Subliminal Cybernetics sold out, 5,000 copies, the first 30 days.
Other titles by this author/publisher Overcoming Adversity by Raymond E. Smith Jokes & Quotes by Raymond E. Smith Fishers of Men by Raymond E. Smith Life's Greatest Lessons by Raymond E. Smith The Good Life by Raymond E. Smith Insightful Potpourri by Raymond E. Smith Successful Christian Living by Raymond E. Smith What Mean These Stones? by Raymond E. Smith How Did They Get So Rich? by Raymond E. Smith Mind Over Matter by Raymond E. Smith Why Me Lord? by Raymond E. Smith Every Day With God by Raymond E. Smith