Recent scientific discoveries have opened the door to an amazing universe, one where we are an integral part of everything around us. How far does this thinking go? What is the power of the mind? What is the power of millions of minds in unison?
Stalking Gaia begins with a USGS chart, showing a connection between major earthquakes and our world wars. As unlikely as this seems, scientific and anecdotal evidence confirm this connection. In fact, on a chart of large earthquakes from1900 to 2000, the author have matched 11 points of war and peace perfectly. Ancient civilizations knew this truth, but the knowledge was lost. This startling and timely rediscovery forms the basis for the investigation into how we actually connect to our planet, the mental and psychic connections we all share with Mother Earth.
As war and democide devastate humanity, the combined human suffering and massive emotional outpouring causes the earth to react violently, violence for violence. However, this may also point to a solution that may end our continuous cycle of destruction. Stalking Gaia gives the reader simple yet effective strategies which anyone can practice in their everyday life to bring peace to the world, one person at a time. The following Chinese proverb expresses this concept well. “If there is light in the soul, there will be beauty in the person. If there is beauty in the person, there will be harmony in the house. If there is harmony in the house, there will be order in the nation. If there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world.”
Stalking Gaia is easy to read, describing amazing scientific and psychic phenomena in an entertaining, uplifting storyteller fashion. It leaves the reader with a tangible feeling of hope.
In the initial survey to determine potential reader interest, every person polled said they would buy the book. The topic appeals to both young and old, in every economic category. Frankly speaking, this subject sends a chill down the spine.