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Book details
  • Genre:MUSIC
  • SubGenre:General
  • Language:English
  • Pages:68
  • Paperback ISBN:9798350945157

Songs For The Stars

Angel Artists

by Ali Ori

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"Songs For The Stars" is for angel readers and angel artists. This is a book of songs for the stars in the sky and on earth.
"Songs For The Stars" is a list of songs by the author that have been inspired by love and the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This book is for those who want material for current and future songs. Angel artists can read the songs and finish and produce the songs for angel listeners.
About the author
Ali Ori lives in the Midwest with her family and her dog. She enjoys writing, television, and listening to music. She has been writing and singing songs for over 23 years. Ali's song writing has been inspired by love and the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. You can find all of Ali's songs on her YouTube channels Wiil Border, Sundance Inthedark, and Miss Chicago.