Book II Song of Chagos: Hunger and Heroes, Songs Across the Sea
A long sea voyage to a distant land after losing hearth and home…
broken hearts adrift at sea…
a storm of memories in the midst of treacherous weather…
an imagination running wild
releasing the bonds of a world entrapped by greed
a future brewing with unknowns….
finding ways to live, called “surviving”
Music, dreams and a call for justice…
After the long sea passage from the Chagos Archipelago, Jean and mother, Rose, find new friends and old friends in Mauritius. They lay a path for “survival” which will guide them through decades of impossible odds.
Book I Song of Chagos: Hearts in Exile
Book II Song of Chagos: Hunger and Heroes, Songs Across the Sea
Book III Song of Chagos: Hardship to Harmony, Hands United