There is a fellow out there, and just what he is sure of is anyone's guess.. There is a woman over here, searching for somebody that is distant, but nearer than near. Cosgral Rodiack & Rhonda View. Born, ten years apart. Born, abandoned, on the same front porch. Born, full of life. Orphans? Or not? And what each possesses is sought by those in need, those dying...and what each possesses is a miracle...and just wondering aloud here, some day you will for certain yearn that these two are members of some type of reality...and not just two characters from society's imagination. They are not real. But... are there people such as Cos & Rhonda out here, there down the block, or sitting next to you at the stop light...or waiting on you at the nearest convenience store? Maybe such a duo does exist...but no matter, we as a society would be grateful just to know someone like C & R could exist, if only in our collective souls.