Sex is Creative Energy, not just for making babies, but also for other superior accomplishments. In the source of this Vital Power, lie also the sources of Wealth, Health and Genius.
Sex Transmutation is the channelling of this creativity, away from purely physical sexual contact and release, and unto other desirable superior accomplishments.
Sexual Energy Transmutation is the conscious re-channelling of the creative potency of sex, away from purely physical outlets, and into other spheres of endeavour such as arts, music, intellectual, the professions, politics, spirituality, business, sports, etc.
That same riotous energy projecting as sexual desire can become Intellectual energy, Business energy, Political energy, Professional energy, Sports energy, Spiritual energy, or whatever Power you want.
Indeed, the Creativity in Sex goes beyond procreation. Unfortunately, many men being unaware, unknowingly dissipate and thus fail to avail themselves of the innate potency and drive of their abundant sexual energy; and this is one primary cause of mediocrity.
Fortunate indeed is the man with a healthy sex drive, who has also learned the art of sex transmutation. For in the source of this vital power also lie the sources of Health, Wealth, Genius and great accomplishments.
Sex, the carnal root of Man’s generation, can be the source of his de-generation, yet holds the key to his re-generation. When properly harnessed, the primordial powers of sex and its creative essence that initiate all earthly existence can be used to achieve anything you want. This BOOK tells you how!
"The men of greatest achievement are men with highly developed sex natures, men who have learned the art of sex transmutation." Napoleon Hill
Sex Transmutation QUOTES
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