Servants Among Us is a compilation of brief biographical sketches, containing the stories of the lives of 140 individuals who have served the American Baptist Association (ABA). These men include those who served from the years leading up to the organization of the General Association (predecessor of the ABA) to those who are currently serving as elected officers of the ABA. The work begins with Dr. William Allen Clark, born in Clinton County near Roseviille, IN on May 24, 1844. This first article about W. A. Clark furnishes the background for Dr. Ben M. Bogard's (one of the leading founders of the ABA) opposition to conventionism and his assuming the mantle of the Landmark cause, which eventually led to a separate Landmark Association in Arkansas, and then the General Association in 1905. The work ends with a bio of Dr. Robert Ashcraft, current historian of the ABA. This project is published by the History and Archives Committee of the American Baptist Association.