Screw You Van Gogh is a powerful story of two unlikely friends brought together by change and an unworldly connection neither one can explain. Together they navigate teenage relationships, dysfunctional families, self-discovery, the terrifying impact of teenage mental health, and, ultimately, the choice to live. Cassidy Towers, a cynical girl made smart by a tough life, finds herself in a new school with no friends, no hope, and an attitude to match. That is until Tommi Bounds, a tall fast-talking redhead with no filter decides otherwise and sets out to reinvent Cassidy. Enter a cast of characters: Tommi's cute cousin Patrick, obsessive compulsive Jules, hippie throwback Tina, a country music-quoting mom, and a quirky but well-meaning school counselor. Screw You Van Gogh takes you through an intense, authentic look into the emotional lives of today's teenagers.