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Book details
  • Genre:FICTION
  • SubGenre:Fantasy / Paranormal
  • Language:English
  • Series title:The Samantha Sonatas
  • Series Number:1
  • Pages:400
  • eBook ISBN:9780994022240

Samantha's Seduction

by Casanova

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What’s this all about? Two EBooks, same title, ‘Samantha’s Seduction’ same author, MiChiamo Casanova, but two different ISBNs, what gives?

What gives is that the genre defining breakout novel that has the unique convention of using four distinct voices to tell the story. All with their own personalities, viewpoints, likes and dislikes that offer differing opinions on events in the story.

The author writes the story using four different font colors to distinguish the voices thus making it readily self-evident who is talking by the color used.

The problem is that for black and white display EBook readers’ colors are displayed in grey scale which makes some colors fainter than others and often hard to read.

EBooks with the ISBN 9780994022219 use a black font to display what is written. The traditional way that books are printed, black words on a white page.

EBooks with the ISBN 9780994022240 use color fonts to differentiate which voice is talking, the way the author writes the novels. Seeing is believing and by using the different colors the reader easily sees who is talking.

Black for Samantha telling the story and her thoughts.

Red for the super ego, her Brain, filled with passion and the joy of life, her brain is the one all for experiencing what’s new and maybe taboo for some.

Gold for the ego, her Mind, the logical one, the questioning one that is concerned with the consequences of their actions. That often raises objections or alternative solutions to problems they encounter.

Blue for Samantha’s inside voice, the one she uses to communicate with the ‘The Girls’ as she calls her sisters in arms that she talks with.

As she says in the first book, ‘Samantha’s Seduction’, “Growing up, I didn’t find out I was different from everyone until my mother heard me talking to myself and thought I had imaginary friends.


Though years of therapy changed nothing, no matter how or what the doc- tors tried, all I did was learn to hold those discussions with my inside voice, well, most of the time.

See, they weren’t imaginary at all; the three of us lived, and still do, inside my head. They are my truest and dearest friends. Through thick and thin, love and hate, good and bad, we have always been able to count on one another.”

If you have an EBook capable of displaying colors then ISBN 9780994022240 is the one you want to buy.

Guaranteed to change the way the world publishes book see it here first in the four part Samantha Sonatas series of books written by MiChiamo Casanova.

Samantha’s Seduction is available now so get your copy today and discover a new Heroine destined to change the way you think of the world you live in.

 Check out his website, michiamocasanova.com for insights on the author and his style. Read the introduction and first chapters in books one and two, ‘Samantha’s Seduction’ and ‘Samantha’s Temptation’. To be followed by ‘Samantha’s Deception’ and the final book, ‘Samantha’s Betrayal’. See his promise for closure on the book four page on the website.

Read his blog posts on such diverse topics from “The Writer is Born”, to “Struggling with Depression”.

Join the fan club, email the characters in the book, check out the forum and offer an opinion. Follow him on

 Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/pages/MiChiamo-Casanova/481138392061374?skip_nax_wizard=true&ref_type=marketing_version_1

 Twitter, https://twitter.com/Articbeaver?edit=true

 Tumblr, https://www.tumblr.com/blog/miachiamocasanova


You’ll be glad you did.

Gary Gully



To say that ‘Samantha’s Seduction’ is written in the erotic romance paranormal genre would be a misnomer though having said that there is a lot of sex in the manuscript. I like to think of the story as a social commentary on the state of things in the world today. The story follows the life of Samantha as she is plucked from her dead end job in the cubicle hell of a clerk typist and transported into the world of wealth and luxury by Asmodeus, who it is hinted at works for the Boss. We follow Samantha as she adjusts to her new life, from her first meeting with Asmodeus in his intriguing store and how that changes her life forever. Her feelings and thoughts as she struggles to come to terms with the events in her new life are central to the story line. The uniqueness of the story line is the four voices heard. That of the protagonist, Samantha, that inner voice we all have and the the id, the ego and the super ego, which all have their own personalities and desires. Id \'id\, noun - the one of the three divisions of the psyche in psychoanalytic theory that is completely unconscious and is the source of psychic energy derived from instinctual needs and drives — compare ego, superego. The story is about a trip to Europe Samantha takes with Asmodeus when he travels on business. It details the people she meets, Count Von Brueburge on whose estate she meets Kristian who teaches her jump horses, he also jumps Samantha, but in a nice romantic setting. She meets Lady Chatterley who invites her to come to England and ride in a fox hunt. Samantha explores the world of the aristocracy and together, Lady Chatterley and Samantha explore each other. Samantha travels to Paris and then on to Istanbul where she meets Mathew, a security man who works for Asmodeus. He shows her around Istanbul and she shows him around herself. The story ends with the return to the New York where Samantha wonders what happens next. Writing as Casanova, I hope to blur the line between the sexes by showing that while men and woman are inherently different biologically, they still have the same hopes and desires, wants and needs. The story line works on many different levels, raising the bar so to speak. There is wit and insight, obscure references, graphic sex and a compelling heroine, slightly damaged though strong and open minded as well as having an inquisitive nature. Reviews: ‘It's a terrific book and really captured my interest, especially with the initial sex scenes and the wonderful passages about Europe. You know your food, your wine, your clothing and fashion, your riding (horses!) your shoes, and your way around Europe. That's clear. ‘You lied; there is a lot of sex, though I felt I had been to Europe after reading it.’ ‘I don’t know how you got inside a woman’s head to understand what we feel is beyond me, but you did.’ ‘I’ve never thought of being with a woman before but if Lady Chatterley is available I might like to give it a go.’ Samantha remains a very likable character and while she had quite a romp in Europe, and pushed a number of boundaries, we are left with all kinds of questions at the end which are answered in the next three books, Samantha’s Temptation, Samantha’s Deception and Samantha’s Betrayal. What is the ultimate price that she will pay for Asmodeus?

About the author